Comic Life Help


Place and style shapes

Shapes provide a way to add other decorative and symbolic content to your comic.

To add a shape to your comic, tap in the toolbar to show the media browser. Choose the Shapes tab, select a shape, and drag it to the page.

Editing shapes:

For basic editing information, see Common Editing Operations.

Adjusting smart shapes:

Some shapes have special handles. Drag these handles to modify the shape. For example, the star shape has one special handle for adding or reducing the number of points in the star, and another special handle to adjust the overall pointiness.


To customize a shape further, tap a selected shape to display its context menu and then choose Reshape. Reshaping handles appear.

Styling shapes:

Tap to show the shape inspector. The inspector has two tabs at the top: Style and Arrange.

The Style tab displays the default style and any other predefined styles in this comic. The Options section provides further controls for setting the fill, border and shadow. See Styles for more information.
The Arrange tab allows you to move your shape in front of or behind other elements. You can also control whether the shape is clipped to the borders of a panel, if it is in one.