Comic Life Help


Place and style lettering

Lettering provides a way to display stylish titles and dramatic sound effects in your comic.

You can add lettering to your comic by dragging a lettering element from the element well onto the page.

Adding lettering

When you drop lettering on the page, it shows the keyboard, letting you enter your text. To save the text you've entered, tap outside of the lettering area or hide the keyboard. The lettering displays your text. You can move the lettering around and resize it as needed.

Editing lettering:

For basic editing information, see Common Editing Operations.

Reshaping lettering:

You can warp lettering to give a more dramatic effect. Tap a selected lettering element to show its context menu. Choose Reshape to show the reshaping handles. Now drag the handles to reshape the lettering. The middle handles at the top and bottom cause the lettering to flex. Tap on the page background to stop reshaping.

Styling lettering:

Tap in the toolbar to show the Lettering Inspector. The Inspector has three tabs at the top: Style, Lettering and Arrange.

The Style tab displays the default style and any other predefined styles in this comic. The Options section provides further controls for setting the fill, border and shadow. See Styles for more information.
The Lettering tab lets you choose the font for the lettering and how the individual letter shapes are drawn.
The Arrange tab allows you to move your lettering in front of or behind other elements. You can also control whether the lettering is clipped to the borders of a panel, if it is in one.