Comic Life Help


Place and style images

You can add images to your comic directly to a panel or onto the page itself. Once images have been added, they can be easily moved in and out of panels as needed.

Adding images to panels:

Comic Life displays a photo button in the center each empty panel. To add a photo to the panel, tap the photo button to show the image picker. With the image picker, you can add an image from your photo library or you can take a picture with the built-in camera. (The camera requires iPad 2.)

To use an image from your library, select the Photo Albums tab and tap the image. The image is positioned and sized to fit the panel. Tap the background to dismiss the picker.

To take a new picture (on iPad 2), go to the Camera tab, take the picture, and Comic Life positions and sizes the picture to fit the panel.

Adding images to the page:

Tap in the toolbar to show the media browser.

To use an image from your library, select the Photo Albums tab and tap the image. The image is added to the page. Tap the background to dismiss the picker.

To take a new picture (on iPad 2), go to the Camera tab, take the picture, and it is added to the page.

Editing images:

For basic editing information, see Common Editing Operations.

Selecting images:

You can select an image on a page by tapping it, the same way you normally select elements in Comic Life. If the image is in a panel, a single tap selects the panel. Double tap to select the image. In either case, when the image is selected, it displays its resize handles.

Replacing images:

If you have an image in a panel and wish to replace it with another, select the image you wish to replace, then tap it again to display the image's context menu. Choose "Replace..." to display the image picker. The image you choose from the picker replaces the selected image.

Styling images:

Tap in the toolbar to display the Image Inspector. The Inspector has three tabs at the top: Style, Image and Arrange.

The Style tab displays the default style and any other predefined styles in this comic. The Options section provides further controls for setting the fill (for images with transparency), border and shadow. See Styles for more information.
The Image tab displays a variety of filters you can use to give your photo a different look. The Options section lets you adjust image properties such as brightness and contrast.
The Arrange tab allows you to move your image in front of or behind other elements. You can also control whether the image is clipped to the borders of a panel, if it is in one.