Comic Life Help


Add, reorder and remove pages

Tap the page icon to display the page browser, which allows you to manage the number and order of pages in your comic. This browser has three tabs: Comic, Template, and Layout. Use the Comic tab to work with the existing pages in your comic. Use the Template and Layout tabs to add new pages to your comic.

The Comic Tab

Add a blank page:

Tap the + page icon to add a new blank page to the end of your comic.

Edit a different page:

Tap the page you'd like to edit. The Editor switches to that page.

Delete a page:

Select the page you want to delete. Tap it to show the context menu. Choose Delete. Your comic must have at least one page, so you cannot delete the page from a comic that has only one page.

Duplicate the current page:

Select the page you want to duplicate. Tap it to show the context menu. Choose Duplicate.

Reorder pages:

To change the order of the pages in the comic, tap and hold the page you want to move. The page begins to pulse, indicating that it is ready to move. Drag the page to its new position. The other pages move out of the way as needed.

The Template Tab

Adding template pages:

The template you have chosen for your comic provides various predefined pages. To add one to your comic, select it, and a page with the template you selected is inserted after the current page.

The Layout Tab

Adding layout pages:

The Layout tab contains a variety of different panel layouts from which you can choose. They are organized into different collections for convenience. Select a layout, and a page with the layout you selected is inserted after the current page.